Monday, December 1, 2014

Sermon Wrap-Up for Nov 30

Good Morning! There’s a bonus here: The Thanksgiving Sermon from Wednesday. That’s right, 3 sermons for the price of one! It’s my Cyber Monday deal for you.

Wednesday Evening: On Thanksgiving (audio)

Colossians 4:2-6

How are we thankful?

1. Prayer, alert for seeing the blessings of God

2. Prayer, petitioning God to empower His people

3. Conduct, being wise

4. Conduct, speaking with grace


Morning Sermon: 1 Corinthians 13 (audio)

1 Corinthians 13

Don't be a Noisy Christian

1. Things that cease
2. Things that abide
3. Things to avoid
4. things to pursue

Love is the only one of these 3 wherein we are like God: the others bring us before Him, teach us to rely on Him.

But only by loving do we do what Jesus did.

Faith hope love.

We cannot show love without obedience to the Lord
We cannot have hope without compassion from the Lord


Evening Sermon: Acts 19:21-41 (audio)

Acts 19:21-41

1. Great is our Christmas tradition!

2. Great is our shopping extravaganza!

3. Great shall be our anger if we don't get our way!

Or, perhaps, we should let Christ overwhelm it all and change our entire way of life.

Note: the evening sermon was quite shortened. We do an open question time on Sunday nights. As a church, most of us are reading through the Bible this year, using a Chronological Study Bible. I take questions mainly pertaining to the reading, but I will take a shot at anything. This past week included reading 1 & 2 Corinthians, so I took questions on:

  1. Baptism for the dead
  2. Speaking in Tongues
  3. Handing someone “over to Satan”
  4. Head coverings in church

That took a few extra minutes Smile. Therefore, the sermon shortened up some to respect the need to think about what we already covered. Those interactions are not videoed, so there’s nothing to put up here.

Concluding Notes:

1. I do have the rough audio of Sunday Night’s Q&A session, but I’m not sure yet that it’s useful for posting.

2. I am not sure how to improve video quality with the current equipment.

3. If you want to subscribe, here’s a list:

A. iTunes for audio subscription link is here.

B. General Audio RSS feed for other programs is here.

C. If you’re a Stitcher User, the link is here

D. For Youtube Video, subscribe here:

E. Some videos are up on Vimeo, but budget constraints have ended my posting to Vimeo for the time being.

4. Yes, I think I’m not getting a lot of plays on each service or hits on each blog, but in total it’s a decent reach. A social media expert might suggest changes, but this is free-to-cheap, where I have to live right now.

5. Each blog has a “Follow” button and a “Subscribe via Email” option

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