Friday, December 19, 2014

16 Years

I owe you, dear readers, several things. First, a few more posts. Second, several book reviews. Third, something light and fluffy and inspirational for Christmas.

Perhaps I will fulfill that debt in the next few days. Today, however, is not that day.

Today, I celebrate 16 years of marriage. Whether it was pity that caused her to follow through or something else, Ann went ahead and came down that aisle and said “I do.”

She knew little of the road we would walk together. Or of the challenges of being married to me and wrestling with my insecurities, idiosyncrasies, and peculiarities. Or my obsession with odd sci-fi stuff.

Still, she sticks around. She pushes me when I need pushed. She hugs me when I need hugged. She makes up for my parenting deficits, my skill deficits (seriously, how bad would the budget be with me balancing it?), and is my partner in all things.

16 years. It’s not quite half of her life, but I’m sure it feels like a lot longer. There are no words for the healing and restoration and strength she’s given me over those years.

I am truly blessed to be half of Doug and Ann. I look forward to many more years of being it!

1 comment:

  1. Love you! And I'm very thankful for our sixteen years. Excited to start the next sixteen today! :)


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