Summary: Paul wraps up his rejoicing
letter by speaking of a few concerns alongside his celebratory remarks. There
is a minor feud in the church between Eudoia and Syntyche, and there is perhaps
a concern about where the focus of the church is drifting to, and he seeks to
focus them back on true, honorable, right, pure, lovely things.
Additionally, Paul expresses his gratitude for the support
he has received from the Philippians. Let us not kid ourselves about what he
means, either, as he speaks of their “revived concern.” We are seeing his
appreciation for their provision for his material needs. Paul, as an itinerant
teacher, made his living (fed himself) sometimes by finding other work (tent,
anyone?) and sometimes by the support of those he taught. The Philippians had
enabled Paul to focus on the teaching, and he is grateful for that.
In Focus: One cannot
meander through Philippians 4 without taking a moment to focus on Philippians
4:13. This verse, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (NASB),
“πάντα ἰσχύω ἐν τῷ ἐνδυναμοῦντί με,” if you prefer Greek. This verse
has been the most out-of-context cited verse in recent years, though “Judge
not, let ye be judged” is gaining on it quickly.
Understanding this verse requires not only looking at the
individual words, but looking into the context. First, the words: these are
pretty straightforward. We’re not in a hard verse to translate—the word order
is a little different because that’s how Greek works. “All (things) I can do
through the (One) that strengthens me.” When you work through this and see
personal agency, as you should, then phrasing becomes “the One who strengthens
me.” Since the term “one” is a masculine pronoun, you would use “Him” instead,
because it’s clearer. “All” becomes “All things” because it’s an adjective used
as a noun, and that’s common. It’s not referring to “all people,” either,
because it’s neuter and so is used to refer to “things.”
Our clarity, then, comes from context. Paul is not talking
about becoming a great writer or actor, nor is he discussing athletic
competition or even church growth. Throughout this passage, Paul is speaking of
dealing with trials and material shortages, of facing famines and feasts. He
can both have too little, and make it, and have too much and not get
arrogant—all through Christ, because He knows that only Jesus brings Paul to
anything of value.
In Practice: What do
we do with this, then?
First, we stop misusing Philippians 4:13. You can
give God the glory for your successes and His benefits without misapplying
Scripture. Stop it.
Second, we apply this to our lives by trusting Christ for
all things. How often do we violate the Word of God and our Spirit-driven,
Scripture-informed consciences for the sake of stuff? Too often. Rather, we
should take the same stand as Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms: let the
trouble come, but here I stand.
This applies to both our dealings with the world and our
dealings within the church. I think it’s even money where it matters the most:
inside the church, we need to get right before God, even if we have to give up
our creature comforts. Outside, we must recognize that trouble is coming on us
from a wicked world.
Either way, we must get to the point that we don’t see a
perfect ACT or a great pass as the all things we can do through Christ. It’s
the surviving taunts and rejections, dealing with poverty or even fame, that we
are up against.
In Nerdiness: Syzygus?
Loyal yokefellow? True Companion? Who is this person mentioned in Philippians
4:3? Unlike the feuding sisters Euodia and Syntyche, we’re uncertain if this is
a name, a title, or just a call-out to anyone who fits the description. (I’ve
looked and don’t think there’s a case to be made that Eudoia and Syntyche are
anything but personal names.)
So, what’s the debate? Some translations render this as a
personal name. Others footnote the name and render the term, like “true
companion.” It appears that Paul is asking for an individual’s help in defusing
the issues between Eudoia and Syntyche. It would help, of course, if we knew
what the feud was about in the first place! That might enable us to know what
type of help Paul was looking for.
Yet having been in churches all my life, I have a
suggestion. First, my resources are about evenly split about the possibility
that the term “syzygus” could refer to the church as a single unit. This is
questionable based on the Greek grammar surrounding the term (a singular verb),
but let’s take that possibility and then extrapolate a possibility. On, then,
to the argument from experience:
Many church feuds begin between people who are growing
believers who address issues differently. A modern example is the strain
between the kitchen committee who tries to keep everything organized and the
various church groups that use the kitchen…and then don’t put things back
exactly. Both are trying to mind the resources of the church, and use them, but
they disagree about how. Or the people who want to know what’s happening, so
they want bulletins…and the people who think it’s a waste of money because they
throw out dozens of bulletins a week.
These two sides, usually starting with two individuals,
then entrench and find supporters within the church body. While I am clearly
reading this backwards on to this passage, this is my suggestion, given
that human nature doesn’t change much. Eudoia and Syntyche had a minor
disagreement. Both are believers, both are valuable parts of the church (this
is absolutely clear in the text). Paul then appeals that the church not sort
out whose side they are on, but to instead defuse the disagreement.
The same way one defuses a spat between the choir director
who wants the choir to wear robes and the maintenance committee who
accidentally put heat lamps over the choir loft—by listening, praying, and
finding more important things to focus on. That’s my suggestion, for whatever
it’s worth.
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