Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Book: Serpent of Moses by Don Hoesel

Today’s book review is brought to you by Bethany House Publishers, who provided a free copy of the book in exchange for the review.

Serpent of Moses cover art

Serpent of Moses by Don Hoesel is the second novel in the Jack Hawthorne Series. If you can picture a semi-Indiana Jones-adventure series but with no Nazis, at least not in this one, you’ve got a basic idea what you are dealing with. I would make this first observation: you would probably do well to snag Elisha’s Bones, the first in the series, because there are enough references to Hawthorne’s past that it would be helpful. Given that you can snag both for under ten bucks suggests it’s not a bad idea.

On, though, to Serpent of Moses. In this case, our intrepid hero has departed the archaeological field after the trauma of being featured in the first novel. After all, I have read books about non-traumatic archaeology. They’re called textbooks/sedatives.

The basic plot line is a search for the Nehushtan, the bronze serpent from Numbers 21. As with any archaeological action, there are multiple groups who want the item in question, and some of them are willing to kill for it.

The action is good, though the development of characters is a bit weaker for it. This is an action book, though, so I don’t really miss it.

Christian content here is mainly seen in the positive view of faith overall and the lack of profanities and explicit sexual content. This is not an evangelistic book, so if you do not want one, you’re good. If you’re looking for an evangelistic tract with a novel wrapper, then look elsewhere.

Is this a read it again and again? Not likely. It’s good the first time, and not bad the second time to catch what you missed. All-in-all, a nice distraction read.

Note: free book received in exchange for the review.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.