Monday, September 17, 2012

Sermon Wrap-Up: September 16

Morning Audio Link is here (alternate)

Morning Outline: (And the prayer guide referenced in the audio is here)

Luke 11:1-13


I. Desire for relationship

II. Recognition of situation

     A. Prayer is from lesser to a greater

     B. Prayer reflects our need

     C. Prayer is not powerful: God is powerful

III. Content:

     A. Recognition of situation

     B. From a heart of gratitude and understanding

     C. Focused on what is necessary for obedience

     D. Not focused on perfect wording

IV. Attitude

     A. Persistent

     B. Desperation

V. Trust

     A. God knows already

     B. God will answer better than we realize


1. Pray. 

2. Pray specifically

3. Pray generically

4. Pray for: Salvation for the lost; growth for the saved; the church to make disciples; strength to obey---provision and deliverance


Evening was discussion, primarily, but here were some of the points I wanted to hit:

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

John 15:5


What does it mean to you that God works through His servants?

What is the limit on your usefulness to God?


1. The Bible: is this about us or God? GOD!!

2. We learn about God through the practice of obedience

3. The Holy Spirit guides us in all Truth: John 14:18-27

4. The Presence of the Holy Spirit should also bring Peace

5. God is not still or passive

6. The question is not about you: "What does God want from me?" It is about God: "What is God doing?" 

We follow on with: How has God made me? How, then, am I fit to join with His work?

7. His agenda. Not ours.

Next week's verse:

Some boast in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the Lord, our God: Psalm 20:7


  1. Glancing through your outline, I love point II.C. - Prayer is not powerful. God is powerful.


    Julie G

  2. Thanks, Julie!

    I'm pretty sure that is said by many others, so I won't claim it to be my own wittiness.


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