Well, I did it again: the batteries in my voice recorder died 2 minutes into Sunday morning's sermon. Being that it was only a 10 minute sermon, you would have missed four-fifths of it. I would like to have posted it just to prove that I can preach that short, but life happens.
The reason that I went that short was one of our church family shared his testimony, and I knew from his preparation work that he'd need more than just 5-7 minutes. So, I wanted, this one time, to allow for that and still being done near to the traditional time. Does that time matter? It does when the church family is trying to tackle meeting a few needs for folks on a time schedule. There's more to church life than sermons, folks—much more at times.
If you want to know, though, the morning sermon focused on Ephesians 2:4-10 and the grace of God to provide salvation by faith. However you slice it, God's grace saves us and we receive that grace by faith—have you? Will you?
Evening sermon was on 2 John. Here's the outline:
I. No love without obedience
II. No truth without relationship
III. No substitute for presence
Here's the audio link (or the alternate)
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