Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday August 14 Sermons

Morning Audio Link
Evening Audio Link
Morning Outline:
Genesis 14: When it's time to fight
Read aloud: Genesis 14:17-24
I. Historical Situation:
1. Lot lives near Sodom
2. Abram does not (see chapter 13)
3. While life is going on, there's political mischief afoot:
A. Kings that had been allied
B. Some decide to rebel against Chedorlaomer (Ked-er-la-o-mer) (Or Cheddarlamer :)
C. Kings don't take rebellion lightly. Chedorlaomer comes after the king of Sodom and other rebels and wins.
D. The end-result? He takes hostages and plunder.
E. Including Lot.
II. Family back in focus:
1. It's important to see that world events affect people
A. distract to famine, riots, whatever:
B. The death of one a tragedy, the death of millions, a statistic (Stalin)
2. The political mischief is happening around Abram and Lot
3. Lot has been taken as one of the captives
III. When does Abram fight?
1. He has not fought:
A. To conquer the land
B. To enrich himself
C. To interfere or participate with this rebellion
2. He fights when:
A. Family is threatened
B. There are lives to be saved.
IV. How does Abram fight?
1. With those loyal to him
2. He does not gather the remnants of other armies to fight with him
3. He fights until Lot and the captives are freed, and no more
4. He declines to keep the wealth
5. He provides for his help
V. When do we fight?
1. Our struggle is not a physical battle, but a spiritual one (Ephesians 6:12)
2. We fight to deliver the souls of men from captivity
3. Our fight is not to bring that freedom but to proclaim it---Christ has fought and provided the freedom
4. We fight, though we face kings or great ones, even though we are not. We fight to serve our King
VI. How do we handle the fight?
1. With all that we have
A. Abram leads out all of his "trained men"-> they are ready knowledgeable to fight, though not always fighting
B. With his whole household
2. Until success, not devastation: Abram quits when he has freed the captives
VII. What will be the result?
1. Temptation for us:
A. To claim credit
B. To demand reward
C. To establish our own kingdom (meh. There's something here related to Abram ensuring his allies get their share)
2. Opportunity:
A. To show gratitude
B. To be means of grace----though it may be discarded or disdained.
C. To worship God truly.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.