Monday, August 29, 2011

Sermon Recap from August 28: Genesis 17 and Genesis 18

Morning Audio Link

Evening Audio Link

Morning Genesis 17

Outline used: 

I. Personal Obedience:

     A. Not just generic ethics

     B. Not done by others

     C. Must be done by us

II. Painful separation

     A. We cannot expect everything to go well.

     B. We cannot expect to hold on to everything

III. Patient God

     A. He has waited for us

     B. He has watched while we wander

     C. his patience will end someday


Evening: Genesis 18

I. The Sins of Sodom

A. Not overly detailed

B. Their sin? Anger, rebellion, offense against marriage, God’s Word

II. The Sins of America

A. Read a newspaper

B. Our sin? Anger, rebellion, offense against God’s Word

III. The Culprit?

A. Is it the sinner? The sinner bears their own guilt

B. Is it the Judge? All He does is perfect

C. Is it Godly? Let’s take a look at that:

1. Where are Abraham and Sarah prior to the doom of Sodom?

2. They are in their tents. Sarah is actually laughing at God’s Word.

3. Not “funny” laughing. Derisively laughing. Mocking.

4. Is it possible that the world, and especially our country, are in the mess that we are in not because of the heathen---

But because we who claim to be God’s people spend more time mocking God’s Word than we do obeying the Word, learning the Word, and spreading the Word?

God would have spared Sodom for the presence of 10 righteous men. What percentage of the population do you think that was? It was mostly likely not more than 5%! Probably less.

We Christians, especially us Baptist-types, like to warn and worry that America’s growing lack of Biblical morality will result in God’s judgment. After all, did not Sodom receive judgment?

Yet should we not be the 10 men of the city? If Southern Baptists alone were honoring the Word of God, 5% of the US population would be. Are we?

When we laugh at God’s word that all races are equal, when we laugh at commands for our marriages and standards for our votes and actions….

When we laugh at looking after widows and orphans in their distress….

When we laugh at what God has said about our work, our integrity…

When we laugh at what God has told our religious leaders to be like, and we laugh and allow them to be otherwise…

When we sit in our homes, our pews, and our cars mocking the Word of God….

Whose fault is it that judgment comes? The wicked or the righteous for not being there?

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.