Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sermon Outline, October 10 PM

Ok, here's the sermon outline situation:  Sunday morning we observed the Lord's Supper.  I didn't record that, because it just doesn't audio record well, there's too many stops, starts, singings, waitings, and so forth.  Join us one Sunday and you'll see why.

Here's the outline for the Evening Sermon, with audio link here.


Text: Exodus 3

Title: Burning Bushes, Burning Bridges

Theme: Responding to God's Call

Location: FBC Almyra

Date: October 10 2010 PM

  1. The Burning Bush:

    1. When God seeks your attention, He gets it

    2. When God speaks, you should listen

  2. The Burning Bridge:

    1. Cut your ties with the life you leave behind

    2. Go forward towards obedience

  3. The Present reality:

    1. We see God:

      1. Identify Himself to Moses

        1. By history ---of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

        2. By character --Timelessness

        3. By name –YHWH

      2. Command Moses

        1. For Moses' protection: come no closer to the Holy One

        2. For Moses' provision: what to say to obey

        3. For Moses' potential: to do what God has called Him to do.

      3. Has not forgotten Israel

      4. Has no interest in excuses

    2. We hear God today:

      1. Not from a burning bush

      2. Rather from the Word

        1. The Word is always the final authority:

        2. God will not act in conflict with what He has already said and done




One other housekeeping note:  We're not having evening services Sunday, October 17, so there will be no sermon there, I'll be out of the pulpit October 24, so none then.  There should be morning the 17th, then morning the 31st.

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