Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday May 17 & Romans 16:20

Ok, well, yesterday was a good day at church, with just a few minor blips.  However, you can click back to the previous post and listen to the whole AM service and the sermon from Sunday night and judge for yourself.  (Alternately, you can take the podcast.  It's worth every penny!*)

I found Kara Sawyer's testimony particularly challenging to me.  I'm on a slow roll towards finishing a degree, and her testimony of dealing with life and finishing hers pushed me to make sure I'm striving as I should toward my own.

This morning, I was finishing up the book of Romans in my study time.  I've only been pouring through this book for about a year now, and finally, I've come to the end.  Romans 16:20 struck me:

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." (NASB)

What struck?

1.  God crushes.  Not me.  Leave it to Him.

2.  Satan is the promised crushed one.  He's the enemy, not anyone else.  Including politicians.

3.  God remains the God of peace even though He crushes.  Why?  Because peace requires evil be crushed.  Peace-making requires disposing of evil.


Paul ends with this statement:

"To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever. Amen." Romans 16:27 (NASB)

Is that my focus today?  Yours?  Our church focus?  That to Him be the glory, forever?  And do we grasp how serious an "amen" is?  It's born of a vow, the solemn word of a person of honor.  I had a professor in college state that an "amen" was placing your life in agreement, even if it costs your life, with the statement.  Is my life committed to the glory of the Only?  Um.  Perhaps I need to work on that.




*For those of you who don't know it: Podcasts are free. To upload and download.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.