Monday, November 1, 2021

Sermon Recap for October 31

Good evening!

Here is yesterday’s sermon. It’s still strange to be doing one sermon on Sunday…and doing Wednesday live and without livestreaming it. Folks, the pandemic has been strange. It has reshaped habits and forged tough edges. And one of our challenges, going forward, is to remember that very little of our normal church programming was…explicitly Bible-driven. It wasn’t wrong, per se, it was how previous generations had applied concepts from Scripture to their culture, and we have held on to it for years. It worked. Then it didn’t really work any more, but the decline was something we could blame on other factors. Plus, it was comfortable for the people who were already present, the people who make the decisions in church.

Now here we are: remaking those habits. It is a challenge and one that we have to embrace, going back to the Word of God and asking “What is the best way to honor the commands of Scripture and work together to make disciples?” From this, we’re remaking church schedules and habits. It’s a long haul. And it is one that will be different in different areas: American culture is more uniform, in some ways, than it has been before while also being much more localized: times of availability, lengths of connection, opportunities to serve are very driven by our local context.

Let’s grab hold of this time, church, and let’s do it well. After all, the last major shuffle was centuries ago, and we have just done it the same way ever since. The patterns we set down now will become the default for generations to come.

Here is what you’ll find: there is an audio player with the sermon audios built-in to it, just click to find the one you want. You’ll also find the embedded YouTube videos of each sermon.

If you’d like, you can subscribe to the audio feed here:

Audible Link is coming soon! Search "Doug Hibbard" to see if it's there yet

Spotify is here:

The video is linked on my personal YouTube Page here:

Sermons are stockpiled here:

Also available here: Faithlife Sermons

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