Monday, June 22, 2020

Service Recap for June 21

Well, another week begins. Here we are, working through the COVID and the consequences of it for churches. There are a few things present here:

1. The Facebook-based embedded video of the whole service is right here (there’s a weird hiccup at the end because the Internet at church got overwhelmed and cut out, then it just picked back up instantly):

2. Because the YouTube systems are behind in processing free videos (and we want to stick with FREE videos), this week’s service isn’t here yet, but you can check the channel at this link: and look for it. It will be titled… Sunday morning Worship, June 21.

(Maybe it’s here:

3. Here is the audio and slide combination on Faithlife:

4. Wednesday night is here:

A few other notes:

Every morning we do The Morning Reflection from our house. It’s sometimes long, sometimes short, but a prayer, a thought or two, and a reading from the Psalms as we start the day. It’s on FB on the church page and Ann and I share it (after the fact) on ours.

Have a great Monday!

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.