Thursday, April 12, 2018

Exodus 3 #eebc2018

Get to work.

Seriously, get to it.

You think that the flocks you pasture, the wealth you acquire, the security you have, is what God has for you to do all the time.

It is not.

It is not your greatest good to enlarge the financial well-being of yourself. It is not your greatest calling to comfortably relax at home at the end of the day.

Your calling, based on on Matthew 28:18-20, is to go forth and make disciples of all nations. Just as God called Moses, here, and sent him out from comfort and ease, so He has commissioned every one of us to make the priority of our lives sharing the Gospel with the nations.

So get to work.

You are not going to get a burning bush, an engraved invitation, or a vision in the Temple, because God has already given His word.

And the sooner we will be about it, the better we will find our lives to be.

You may wonder, "But what about...."

Realize that God is keenly aware of your needs. Who is the better provider, you or Him? Is He not able to handle the needs before you?

Place your faith and action into following the commands of God. He will handle the details.

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