Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sermon Recap for July 3

Good evening! Here is the sermon from this morning!

July 3 AM: Revelation 2:4 (audio)



Rev 2:4

  1. The loves of the church
  2. The loves of the nation
  3. The loves of the people
  4. The loves of us

First love? Cars and Sports!

First love? Camp and romance...

First love?

What does it feel like?

What do you do?

I remember my first loves. What I would have done, what I did do…the chaos of how it felt. How nothing but that love mattered

First love of a nation? Liberty…justice…life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness?

And now? Some first loves are good to forget. Others are good to replace.

Because greater loves come along.

And when that greater love comes along, we should move toward it.

Yet some loves are never going to be eclipsed.

The love of the Savior is the pinnacle of this (Greater love has no man than this….John 15:13) His love drives our love (1 John 4:9)

What do we do?

Remember our first loves. Whether the first loves left behind or the ones we still embrace.

And hold to them. Why did we love them? Was there no reason? If so, then move on. If it was because of their intrinsic value, then we should hold on to that idea. What was it? Why was it?

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.