Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Book: A Commentary on the Psalms (vol. 3)

A Commentary on the Psalms, Volume 3Today, I’d like to introduce you to a new friend who is third member of a good family. That friend is Volume 3 of Allen P. Ross’s Commentary on the Psalms. This one covers Psalms 90-150. I’ve previously reviewed Volumes 1 and 2. (Spoiler alert: I liked both of them.)

Now, some of you may be wondering why anyone would consider a volume 3 without already having volumes 1 and 2. Or why a review of the 3rd installment is necessary. For those who have either of the first 2 volumes (or both!,) you already know what you’re getting. This work stands on equal footing with them and if you liked what you saw there, you’ll want this to round out the set.

The reason one might want this volume on its own? That comes back to the nature of Biblical Studies and the length of the Psalms in the first place. You may be studying the latter portion of the Psalms and need to jump at Psalm 119. If that’s the case, you need to know if you should jump in here or not.

First of all, if you do jump in at Psalm 119, you’ll encounter the most in-depth treatment I’ve seen in a commentary of Psalm 119. Following the pattern of this series, Ross provides a translation of the complete Psalm, deals with any textual issues relevant to the Psalm, and then works through how the Hebrew language is used in the writing. He then develops the use of the Psalm in its probable original setting.

The major absence in this volume (and the others) is that Ross does not spend much space on the historical setting of the Psalm. The greater focus is on the grammatical structure of the Psalm. There is more historical information for those Psalms with title verses, but even these are going to push you to do your own Old Testament research.

Overall, I highly recommend Ross’ A Commentary on the Psalms Volume 3. He provides insight into the Hebrew language and poetry of each Psalm and presents the information well for pastors and teachers who want to better express what God has said in this portion of His Word.


I did receive a free book in exchange for the review.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.