Monday, April 15, 2013

Sermon Wrap-Up from April 14

Here are the Sermon Links from April 14:

Morning Audio Link

Morning Video Embed:

Morning Outline:

April 14 Lord's Supper: Joshua 5:10-12

I. Before the Battle

II. After the Consecration

III. Before the Commands

IV. After the Provision

V. Before the Settling-In

Where are you?

1. There are battles ahead of us:

     A. Against sin within us

     B. With temptations outside of us

     C. For the souls of humanity--to present the Gospel clearly to all

2. Have you stood publicly for Christ?

     A. Do you think Baptism is harder than circumcision?

     B. When is a convenient time? RIGHT NOW.

3. Wondering what God is commanding you to do?

     A. The Word is the starting point

     B. Do what is clear: be in the Word, honor the Lord, remember His sacrifice

4. Has God provided?

     A. We remember more than manna

     B. We remember the blood

5. Are you ready to live in obedience in the God's grace?

     A. Then we move forward by remembering

     B. Then we commit and do

Evening Audio Link

Evening Video Embed:

Evening Outline:

April 14 PM: Salvation Summarized: Ephesians 2:8-10

I. Grace: undeserved goodwill

II. Faith: reliability

III. Not Ours

     A. Works

     B. Faith--saved by the reliability of God

IV. Saved?

     A. From what?

     B. From who?

V. Created to do!

     1. God has prepared opportunities for good works

     2. We would walk in them:

          A. Walk--not occasionally sprint into

          B. Walk--not have to hunt for

VI. His workmanship

     1. Not that He is ours--we do not have to make Jesus into anything

     2. He makes us into what we ought to be

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