Monday, November 26, 2012

Sermon Wrap-Up November 26

Sunday, November 25 Morning Sermon (Audio Link)

Luke 17:22-37

I. Thankful for the promise of the future

II. Thankful for the sustaining grace of God

III. Thankful for the future life

IV. Thankful for deliverance in chaos

Questions for kids:

1. How many people got on the ark? 

2. Will Jesus come back secretly or obviously? How will we know He came back?

3. Lot's wife was turned into what?

4. Was that because she just looked or is there more?

Thanksgiving Service (Audio Link)

“Do I not fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord”

(Jeremiah 23:24)

I. What to be thankful for? The Omnipresence of God

II. What in the world is that? Let us consult with John Wesley

To shew how we are to understand this glorious truth, God is in this, and every place. The psalmist, you may remember, speaks strongly and beautifully upon it, in Psalm 139...In a word, there is no point of space, whether within or without the bounds of creation, where God is not.

III. Why? 

     A. Connection of Omnipresence with Omnipotence: Listen to Wesley:

Nay, and we cannot believe the omnipotence of God, unless we believe his omnipresence. For seeing (as was observed before) nothing can act where it is not; if there were any space where God was not present, he would not be able to do anything there: therefore, to deny the omnipresence of God, implies likewise the denial of his omnipotence. To set bounds to the one is, undoubtedly, to set bounds to the other also.

     B. Connection of Omnipresence with other attributes of God: mercy, justice:

Indeed, wherever we suppose him not to be, there we suppose all his attributes to be in vain. He cannot exercise there either his justice or mercy, either his power or wisdom. In that extramundane space (so to speak), where we suppose God not to be present, we must, of course, suppose him to have no duration; but as it is supposed to be beyond the bounds of the creation, so it is beyond the bounds of the Creator’s power. Such is the blasphemous absurdity which is implied in this supposition.

IV. Of all the concepts for us this Thanksgiving, let us remember to be thankful that:

There is no place that He is not, no matter where we go---what a comfort!

There is no place that He is not, no matter how disastrous--what a provision!

There is no place that He is not, no matter how opposed to Him---what a grace!

There is no place that He is not, no matter how alone--what a companion!

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