Monday, June 25, 2012

June 24 Sermon Wrap-up

I noticed last night that my computer’s left speaker does not work. How did I learn this fact? I tried to listen to the podcast and I could hear the flute music, but could not hear the sermon. Now, I know that the flute is the highlight, but that was just not right. So, I figured out the problem. I have adjusted the settings on the sound editing software and hopefully it will now work no matter what audio setup you have.

I was glad to find the problem was my computer. Here I was listening back and could not find a sermon that you could actually hear, and then thinking “People have been clicking the LIKE BUTTON on Facebook for the podcasts. Do they like that they can’t hear me?” It’s just my computer, though.

Without further intro:

AM Sermon: Luke 6:27-36 Audio Here (Alternate)

No outline for the morning sermon. Besides, there would not have been a point marked for “Have a power line fall across Jimmy’s truck in the parking lot” on the outline anyway.

PM Sermon: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Audio Here (Alternate)

Note: Much of the general idea of this series is drawn from J. Scott Duvall's Experiencing God's Story of Life and Hope. I would recommend you grab a copy.

We're going to take the next however long it takes and revisit a few things that I think are important. These fall under the idea that anything worth knowing is worth remembering and repeating.

In that vein, we need to start at the beginning. Not Genesis 1, but rather like building a house where you start with the foundation, we need to start with our foundation.

In this case, it's the foundation of the Word of God. I'd like you to look at 2 Timothy 3:16-17

We need to examine what is said here:

Point #1: All Scripture: Even Obadiah. Even those Old Testament parts that are long and seemingly very drawn out.

     Paul was primarily speaking of the Old Testament, though by the time he writes 2 Timothy, some of his letters, Peter's letters, and likely one of the Gospels (Mark, perhaps Matthew) were beginning to be known. We see in the Old Testament that under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, men spoke better than they realized, and Paul does the same here and speaks of the New Testament as well

Point #2: Inspired by God: these are not man's best ideas. Some things are even contrary to what man thinks best, especially these days. Yet acceptance/rejection of these words are not about accepting or rejecting men, but about God. This does not include what men say about these words!

Point #3: Profitable! What is a profit? A return on your investment? A profit is what you get from planting a pound of rice seed and hoping to get 127 pounds of rice from it. You have to start with something, match it with effort, and then you see the profit.

Point #3a: Teaching, reproof, correction, training in righteousness: These are really the profits that result. Want to know "God's will" for your life? Want to see what you should do? If you are not starting in Scripture, you are starting in the wrong place. These 4 form a bit of a chiastic structure--Teaching and training in righteousness are positives about what we should do, the middle two are about what we should not do.

Point #4: Adequate and equipped: feel out of your depth in life? Running into things you just cannot handle? Here is the starting point: time in the Word helps us be adequate and equipped.

For what? Every good work. Good work is what we do because God has saved us and we want to walk in obedience to Him and in a manner that glorifies God. It is not possible to walk in willful ignorance of the Word of God and still glorify Him with our lives.

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