Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ten Years

Ten years ago today, Ann woke up feeling a little odd. Of course, given the fact that she had been pregnant for about nine months, it wasn’t unexpected that she would feel odd at some point :)

By the end of the day, May 26, 2001, we had our first daughter in our hands. We had also broken my first laptop computer, but if one was going to get dropped----well, you know, priorities. Witnessing childbirth was an amazing moment. Seeing all that was involved multiplied immeasurably the love and respect I have for my wife. I don’t think I could do that. I know I couldn’t do that and then start, immediately, caring for the little munchkin that resulted.

So, for ten years we’ve watched Olivia grow, change, mature, and do various and sundry other things. What struck me this time around with her birthday is that we’re more than half-done with her. If all goes well, by the time she’s twice this age, she’ll be living in a college dorm, responsible for herself as much as possible, and I’ll still be paying her bills. Well, hopefully she’ll be on a scholarship.

The last ten years have flown, really, in retrospect. There were long days, and long stretches, but it’s flown. We’ve moved that little girl five times, she’s learned to read, and she still thinks I’m silly. This is good, because over the years I know I’ve made a good many mistakes as her father. However, she’ll get over it.

One thing we’re constantly working on as a family is this: there’s always areas that we need to grow, but there’s always areas that we need encouragement in as well. We’re seeing Olivia grow as a writer, and I’m even contemplating letting her have one of the old computers in the house to practice her writing with.

Ten years ago I was too young to be a parent, but I knew enough to know what I was doing. Now, I’m ten years older and know a whole lot less than I did then!

Happy Birthday, Olivia. May you continue to be a better child than your father deserves.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.