Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb 20 Sermons

I've got a morning outline and audio from morning and night. I am trying a new audio host, so there may be a minor glitch while I work that out. If you want to listen and can't, let me know either via email or comment, and I'll see what's wrong and try to fix it.

Morning audio link here (Click the "Headphone" icon to listen)

Evening audio link here (Click the "Headphone" icon to listen)

(other note: if you really like it, click the "Amen" button. That will let me know you like it!)

I was still unknown by sight to the churches of Judea which were in Christ; but only, they kept hearing, “He who once persecuted us is now preaching the faith which he once tried to destroy.” And they were glorifying God because of me. ” (Galatians 1:22–24, NAS)

I want us to look at 2 people today. The first is the Apostle Paul, so as we come to the text, let’s see what Paul’s been saying:

I. Paul has described his background---

a. Religious

b. Yet sinful

c. Rejecting God Almighty

II. Paul has described his salvation—

a. Called through His grace

b. The Son revealed in Him

c. //refer to Paul’s experience: how did he meet Christ?

III. Paul describes his life since salvation\

a. Personal seeking of understanding

b. Learning from others

c. Spreading the Word

IV. Paul has not:

a. Sought his own glory

b. Sought to draw attention to himself

c. Did not seek to clear his name

d. Did not embellish his evil

e. Did not hid his evil

V. Paul has simply focused on this: They were glorifying God because of him

So who else do we need to look at today?

Who else? You. Me. This is not a day for “I wish _____________ had been there, they needed that sermon.” This is about you:

I. What is your background?

a. Just the facts

b. Simple and short

II. When did you meet with God?

a. How did He call you through His grace?

b. How did you meet Christ?

III. Who have you been since then?

a. How have you grown?

b. What is God doing in you?

c. You may not remember what life was like before---you should, however, be able to see that you are growing

IV. What you cannot do:

a. Seek your own glory

b. Draw attention to yourself

c. Spend more time on sin and Satan than on God

d. Embellish your pre-Christian life

e. Cloak your pre-Christian life

V. How will God be glorified in your story?

a. You’ve got to tell it!

b. I challenge you to go home and write it down

c. Yes, today.

What if you don’t have one?

What’s missing?

Are you missing growth? Have you been away from God’s people and need to recommit yourself to follow Christ as part of His body on earth?

Are you missing helping others see God’s glory? What do you need to do?

Are you missing the first meeting? If you have never come face to face with the grace of God, then today is that day for you. It is not simply that you’ve been here and now you can go home and go on with life: today is your day to meet with God, to encounter His grace.

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.