Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday Sermons from September 12

Text: Psalm 119:9-16 Beth

Theme: purity

Date: Sept 12 2010 PM

Location: FBC Almyra

  1. What is the key to purity?

    1. We live in an impure world, just as the Psalmist did

    2. The questions are the same:

      1. How about personal purity?

      2. How about business purity?

      3. How about purity of worship?

  2. The answer is the same:

    1. It's not by hiding ourselves completely and becoming an impenetrable holy huddle, rather it is by:

    2. By living according to the Word of God:

      1. In our personal life

      2. In our family life

      3. In our business life

      4. In our church life

      5. In our national life

    3. By teaching according to the Word of God:

      1. We cannot fail to teach our children about God's Word

      2. We cannot fail to teach ourselves more about God's Word

      3. We cannot fail to teach in our church about God's Word

    4. Realize: it's not hypocrisy if your every endeavor is to get it right and you fall short. It's hypocrisy if you have no intention of following it!

    5. We must, with a loving heart, reach out to win the world for Christ

    6. Then, as we grow disciples, we will see an expansion of purity

    7. However, it cannot be done just out of a personal desire for purity:

      1. It's not about the eyebrow piercing or the tattoos

      2. It's about the love of Christ and the love for Christ

      3. We must love and teach all, equipping them to search the Scriptures themselves

      4. Even if that means they never reach identical conclusions.

Evening Sermon Audio Link: Click here to listen to the Evening Sermon

Text: John 1:1-4

Theme: Creation

Date: September 12, 2010 AM

Location: FBC Almyra

  1. All things

    1. Come into being through Him

    2. Recognize that:

      1. Everything you see

      2. Everything you don't see

        1. Natural

        2. Supernatural

    3. Not a bad spot to stop and consider the marvel of Creation

  2. No things

    1. Come into being without Him

    2. Remember that all creation came from Him

      1. Even those things which are now evil

      2. Notice also: this isn't limited to 6 days: has come at any point.

        1. This means you.

  3. Life originates with Him

    1. We would do well to keep this strongly considered

    2. What truly matters originates within the Word of God

      1. What makes mankind truly different is our ability to respond to what He says

      2. Don't be to wrapped up in what others tell you life is about

      3. Allow the Word to drive your understanding

  4. Only HE can bring life

    1. We cannot find life apart from Him

    2. We need to understand that those apart from Christ are lifeless

      1. And that dead acts dead

      2. And smells like it too

So, what should we learn?

      1. Be reminded of the eternal pre-existence of Christ

      2. Be reminded of His work in Creation

        1. Any effort to remove God from creation is not a good idea within our faith

        2. Since sincere science deals with observable fact, there can, at the core, be no actual contradiction

So, what should we do?

      1. Accept life from the life giver

        1. Man was created with physical life and spiritual life

        2. without Christ, one cannot get spiritual life back

      2. Live!

        1. We are not made to live just for this world, but for eternity

        2. We are made to embrace and follow Christ.


Morning Sermon Audio Link: Click here

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.