Friday, December 4, 2009

Book Review---Living with Confidence

Book Review: Living with Confidence in a Chaotic Worldby Dr. David Jeremiah

A frequent refrain among Christian believers is that “We've read the end of the book, it's all going to be okay!” While that is often a comforting thought, it's not always a practical one. Sure, then end of the book sounds great, but have you read the 20 chapters before that? There's going to be a lot of chaos before we get to that end.

This book is aimed at dealing with that chaos, and how we as Christians hang on through it. There are some basic ideas presented differently than other places, but this isn't exactly new ground Dr. Jeremiah is plowing here. Which isn't to say it's a bad book, nor that he should be plowing new ground. As the world does grow more chaotic, a reminder of solid roots and basic foundations is more valuable, at least in my mind, than untested innovation. It's well organized and structured to be an easy read. Also, the chapter organization also lends itself to referring back to specific points.

Is this book worth your time? If you don't read many books on the practical implications of theology and prophecy, it's worth your time. If you listen to David Jeremiah on the radio and want what he says in print so you can look back at it, it's a good buy. If you read lots of other books by conservative Bible preachers about this subject, this one might be a little repetitive.

This book is published by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Disclaimer: In all fairness to the world at large, as the FCC is charged with defending, I read Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World simply because the Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers program gave me a free copy of the book. And, given the enormous following of blog readers I have, they wisely chose not to provide me any additional compensation other than the free book, which will eventually be given to someone I encounter in ministry that I think the book will help. If you would like to be shamelessly corrupted by the free books being given away with no other compensation by the Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers program, check this link: Otherwise, you should stay away from that webpage, and just go to and buy your own books. I do not get any compensation from Amazon for the referral. I should. Maybe a few months free on my Prime Membership? How about it Mr. Bezos? I'll even write a review of the service for it...

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