Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What's going on here?

Okay, this isn't really a blog post, but a quick posting of where we are as a church.  I'd challenge any of you who are followers of Jesus to consider the situation, though.  Are you willing to give an hour of prayer for your church?

Dear Members of Calvary Baptist Church,

As we approach another season of Thanksgiving, it is easy to find the many things we have to be thankful for: God has been faithful through this past year; we continue to enjoy the freedom to worship Him, and we have seen some souls saved in the past 12 months. 

Yet we can also find many causes for concern.  First, people in Monticello and around the world step into eternity through death, and many go to eternal judgment.  Second, while we see a core of faithful members, Calvary Baptist Church does not draw in many new members. Finally, we can easily see that the moral, ethical, and financial      problems of our country have affected Monticello, and some of those challenges also challenge this church.

What can we do about it?  The answer is the same as it was for the disciples after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We must pray and seek His power.  Not in passing, not lightly, but crying out to God from the desperation
of our hearts.  From our desperation that people
not go to Hell.  From our desperation that our children
not falter from following Christ.  From our desperation that we, as a church of the Living God, not fail to
accomplish His purposes.

As your pastor, I am calling you to prayer.  Not because I don’t think you pray on your own.  Not because God does not hear your prayers when you pray alone.

Instead, it is because I believe we must come together to confess our need for Him.  We must come together to
demonstrate that nothing has a greater hold on us than
our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I’m calling on all of you who are physically able and not home-bound by young children to join me on Tuesday nights at 8 PM to pray.  Every Tuesday night, in the church sanctuary, we will gather with whomever will come to pray that our Heavenly Father will turn the tide of our hearts, of this church, of this city, and of this world.

If you are stuck-at-home on Tuesday nights, I issue the same call.  If you are willing to commit that hour, but can’t leave the house, write your name and phone number on this sheet and give it to me.  I’ll connect you with a prayer partner so that you can call and encourage each other in prayer on Tuesday nights.

It’s one hour.  It can be done, and it will move us to become the people God has called us to be.  The question is simply one of your willingness.

I’ll see you Tuesday night at 8.

Bro. Doug

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Sermon Recap for October 20 2024

 Good morning! Here is yesterday's sermon.