Friday, July 25, 2008

Ah, the small town

I don't have a deep thought for you, just an observation. It's nice to be in a small town. I needed some lumber to fix a project here at home, so I went to Barton's. I was actually a little unsure, since for the past few years I've bought all my wood at Home Depot or Lowes, where you walk down an aisle, pick out your own, and pay for it and leave. Well, those of you in Monticello know that Barton's doesn't work that way. Instead, you tell them what you need, and they get it for you.

You know the great thing? Both of my 2x4's are straight!!! Unlike shopping in the big warehouse stores, where I tried to get one straight board, but instead always settled for boards that were warped in the same direction. The man at Barton's, I believe his name was Brett, went out, picked up two boards, made sure they were straight, and gave them to me. Amazing what happens when a professional takes care of things, isn't it?

It actually does provoke a thought. Many times we know that we need something, and we try to accomplish it all on our own. True, we ask God for a little help, but rather than waiting on Him to provide the answer, we settle for what we can figure out. What we are doing is coming up with 2 warped 2x4's when God has in mind to hand us 2 straight ones. We provide ourselves with something that passes for useful, and He has the ideal set aside for us.

1 comment:

  1. So true Brother.....

    You have caused me to step out and start a blog of my own. Go check it out......


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