Sunday, April 20, 2008

Job hunting

Did you know that, while there are available jobs out there, they are near impossible to find, because every job-hunting tool is eaten alive by 'Work from home' 'Fire your boss' or other mostly scam postings? Contrary to Academic Egyptology, pyramid schemes are alive and well. Just remember that Pharoah was really the only one who profited...

Some work-at-home things are legit, if you have the time or personal contacts to make it work. For example, Ann sells Mary Kay cosmetics. She doesn't make a lot of money, because our circle of friends includes 3 other Mary Kay ladies, but she makes a little. (Side note: need something of a cosmetic nature? ) There is a great group of folks that do this thing called Homemade Gourmet. If I had time, I would do that. It's seasoning and spice mixes and things that make dinner great. I highly recommend the potatoes. And the cheesecake. And the tortilla soup mix, and the chipotle rub, and the Grandmother's Sunday Roast, and the Italian Mozzarella meatloaf mix, and...well, you get the point. My big problem is that I know probably 10 people that would be interested in buying this stuff. And the 10 people basically know each other.

So, the moral of the story is, if you think you'll ever need a job, you need to have lots of friends, which you won't have time for once you get a job!

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